Insights / Human Trafficking x

Preventing Trafficking in Our Most Vulnerable Population: Youth

Preventing Trafficking in Our Most Vulnerable Population: Youth

Human trafficking thrives on chaos and desperation in communities already ravaged by ills like poverty, addiction, etc. While we cannot know for certain the effects of COVID – 19 on sex and labor trafficking in real-time, we can almost accurately predict that communities will be more vulnerable to violence, abuse, and exploitation in the wake of this worldwide economic and social disruption. As the economic fallout of the pandemic deepens and further exacerbates vulnerabilities, communities should anticipate that millions more may fall into labor and sex trafficking in the aftermath of this crisis.

Creating a Blueprint to Assess and Combat Human Trafficking in States

Creating a Blueprint to Assess and Combat Human Trafficking in States

Across the country, state governments face the growing and complex challenge of fighting human trafficking within their jurisdiction. This may happen separately in law enforcement organizations or within organizations that provide services to victims. While collaboration among agencies is growing quickly, in order to address the complexities of human trafficking states and their counties must use a disciplined approach that assesses the scope of the problem and the specific gaps within their jurisdiction.

Amplifying Customer Experience By Looking Through a Behavioral Science Lens

Amplifying Customer Experience By Looking Through a Behavioral Science Lens

The emerging fields of Customer Experience (CX) and behavioral science have steadily grown in popularity over the past few years. Leading organizations worldwide are adopting and implementing CX to achieve great success. However, highly impactful tactics that lie at the intersection of CX and behavioral science are being overlooked and underutilized. By using a behavioral science lens, organizations can amplify CX initiatives to multiple their already impressive results.

Human Trafficking – A Crime Like No Other

Human Trafficking – A Crime Like No Other

Human Trafficking is an insidious practice – one that is very hard to crack down on. The complexities of human trafficking make it especially hard to stop. Though organized crime, drug trafficking, or other global illicit networks come in infinite iterations, human trafficking is even more nuanced due to its commodity – human beings. All humans – from your daughter or son, to your neighbor, to your teacher, are vulnerable to the pernicious cycle of human trafficking, and an understanding of this is both vital to solving the problem, while also making it extremely difficult to investigate, prosecute, and ultimately mitigate.

Sparking a National Conversation on Human Trafficking

Sparking a National Conversation on Human Trafficking

In November 2019, facilitators from Arc Aspicio’s Strategy Innovation Lab (SILab) led a dynamic conversation with a distinguished group of human trafficking professionals with experience in federal law enforcement, victim services, non-profit organizations, academia, the private sector, and included a survivor. I was part of a team of facilitators who provided ground rules and led a small group’s conversation with prepared questions. My background of twenty-eight years of Federal law enforcement has given me a breadth of experience attending and participating in human trafficking events across the United States and abroad, usually aimed at training personnel or presenting information about this crime. Seldom do they engage human trafficking experts across profession areas to share experiences and perspectives and strategize actionable solutions.

How Better Data Can Help Address Human Trafficking at the National Level

How Better Data Can Help Address Human Trafficking at the National Level

Human Trafficking is a global problem, the extent of which is not clearly understood and is difficult to measure. To tackle this issue, Arc Aspicio’s SILab hosted Innovative Ideas to Combat Human Trafficking – A Conversation in November 2019. The SILab is a knowledge hub that accelerates innovative and sustainable solutions through methods, tools, thought leadership, events, and other resources to help our people, partners, and clients solve complex problems. Nearly 30 professionals with experience combating human trafficking in law enforcement, victim services non-profits, academia, and the private sector and a survivor participated to offer strategic and actionable solutions for combating human trafficking during the event.

One SILab, 30 Professionals, 2 Hours, 50 Bold Ideas to Combat Human Trafficking

One SILab, 30 Professionals, 2 Hours, 50 Bold Ideas to Combat Human Trafficking

Human trafficking, whether it be labor or sex trafficking, is a complex crime where victims may not even recognize they are victims. This makes it hard for law enforcement professionals to identify and prosecute it, and for victims to find the extensive support they need to participate in the legal process. The mission to fight human trafficking is complex, but Arc Aspicio is dedicated and proactive in fighting this prevalent crime.