Collective intelligence drives measureable improvements in security.
Greater collaboration and information sharing between agencies with homeland security missions and the Intelligence Community is a critical element in addressing evolving threats. At the national level, with initiatives such as the National Strategy for Information Sharing and Safeguarding, the Government is making major strides on initiatives to promote secure information sharing in new and innovative ways.
Arc Aspicio has experience in designing and implementing cross-agency information solutions. We have skills, knowledge, and proven methods to deliver innovative solutions in:
Data aggregation
Big data
Identity management
Intelligence analysis
Data analytics
Research and policy analysis
Arc Aspicio works with Department of Homeland Security components to implement information sharing solutions that promote collective intelligence. This includes Department of Homeland Security and Whole of Government initiate in areas such as big data and identity management. Arc Aspicio also works with the Program Manager – Information Sharing Environment on strategy information sharing initiatives such as the Data Aggregation Reference Architecture. We also support DHS-wide programs such as the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN), which supports more than 180 communities of interest in implementing and effective using information sharing technology.
Emerging Trends
Combating human trafficking
Information sharing for national security events
Integrated identity and access management solutions
Law enforcement analysis and research
Innovative privacy protection solutions
Stakeholder engagement and management