Emergency Management
Disaster services that are survivor-centric are most effective in meeting the needs of affected citizens and businesses. Resilience in the face of all-hazards is critical to our nation’s security and prosperity.
Strategic planning and preparation, along with unwavering dedication during national emergencies helps support this critical mission and promotes resilience in our community.
Emergency management starts early with mitigation, planning, and preparing a wide variety of stakeholders to be prepared for anything. Preparation includes continuity of operations planning (COOP) and exercises to test how resilient different stakeholders are in the face of any type of natural or man-made disaster. Rapid and efficient response, support for individuals and businesses affected by disaster, and long term re-building are all essential parts of the mission.
Outreach to the public – and unique communities in the public (e.g., disabled, elderly, pet owners, children, faith-based groups, minority communities, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities, etc.) is a critical part of our nation’s readiness. It is important that all individuals, communities and businesses take steps to prepare in advance for all types of disasters. Knowing what to do before, during, and after a disaster can make all the difference. A strong partnership with the private sector is also a key element to our nation’s response to all-hazards.
Arc Aspicio has experience in designing and implementing solutions for the emergency management community at all levels in the Government (International, Federal, state, local, and tribal) and for the public. Our capabilities include proven methods, project accelerators, best practices, and skilled employees to support:
- Strategic Communications
- Stakeholder Outreach
- Public Education and Awareness Campaigns
- Information Sharing
- Website Design and Content Management (in multiple languages)
- Mobile Application Development
- Social Networking
- Mitigation and Risk Communications
- Disaster Management Systems
- Multilingual Outreach Support
Arc Aspicio has a track record of supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Red Cross. We have developed solutions and provided services to help citizens, business, and the Government prepare for and respond to natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
For the past ten years, Arc Aspicio has supported national programs to respond to disasters such as flooding, wild fires, and hurricanes.
Emerging Trends
- Alert and Warning Systems (National and Regional)
- First Responder Information Sharing Systems
- Integrated Grants Systems
- Risk-based Grants Allocation
- Innovation in Public Assistance
- Fraud Detection and Prevention
- Social Networking-based Public Outreach
- Idea Crowdsourcing
- Multilingual Outreach
- Innovative Private Sector Engagement
- Customer Relationship Management