Targeted Messaging to More Effectively Communicate Strategy
The essence of an effective strategy is focusing attention, resources, and energy on the precise areas needed to achieve an organization’s goals. Unfortunately, and in stark contrast, many efforts to communicate strategies are diffused and often uncoordinated, trying to blanket all media channels with content in hopes that audiences will absorb something from somewhere. It is better to focus communications as the strategy is focused, using the most effective, selected channels and methods to achieve distinct desired results.
Too-frequent repetition of a message can either dilute the message’s meaning or cause information overload. Technology has made communication more ubiquitous than ever. With an increased number of communication channels nowadays, many of us are on the receiving end of hundreds of messages each day. Forced to scan and skim just to keep up, we may lose our ability to pay attention, reflect deeply, or remember what we’ve learned. As a result, the intended meaning of the message is cheapened or lost.
Instead, focused and bold in-person communication conveys the deeper purpose of the organization in a way that is memorable. Above all, delivering a message in person conveys leadership’s sincerity by demonstrating an investment of time and personal presence.
The following are best practices for communicating strategy through bold, targeted messaging:
- Communicate in person
- Clearly state strategies and goals that have a defined timeframe to achieve results and impart the deeper purpose of the organization
- Increase engagement by encouraging and rewarding employee accountability, risk-taking, and initiative for resolving problems independently
- Don't use every communication medium just for the sake of using it. If the benefit isn't clear, it’s best to avoid using it
There is no substitute for communicating in person to build trust and demonstrate sincere commitment to strategy. Leaders must find the balance between communication levels and giving employees the space, time, and resources to stay engaged and execute strategy. Rather than compelling individuals to stay on top of numerous communication channels, the best leaders empathize with employees’ needs to understand the value of what they do and help stakeholders better understand that value and for all to keep the focus on the mission.