Insights / Data Analytics x

How Better Data Can Help Address Human Trafficking at the National Level

How Better Data Can Help Address Human Trafficking at the National Level

Human Trafficking is a global problem, the extent of which is not clearly understood and is difficult to measure. To tackle this issue, Arc Aspicio’s SILab hosted Innovative Ideas to Combat Human Trafficking – A Conversation in November 2019. The SILab is a knowledge hub that accelerates innovative and sustainable solutions through methods, tools, thought leadership, events, and other resources to help our people, partners, and clients solve complex problems. Nearly 30 professionals with experience combating human trafficking in law enforcement, victim services non-profits, academia, and the private sector and a survivor participated to offer strategic and actionable solutions for combating human trafficking during the event.

Building Data Analytics Capacity in Your Organization: Centralize or Decentralize?

Building Data Analytics Capacity in Your Organization: Centralize or Decentralize?

As threats evolve and technology reinvents how we perform work, the Government must continue to find solutions to increasingly complex and multifaceted problems. Thanks to the expanded availability and relevance of data, agencies are now equipped with more resources to make accurate fact-based decisions surrounding these complex issues. As agencies make increasing use of this data, they need to determine whether to implement a centralized or decentralized analytical structure.

Data + Strategy: Using Data to Inform Agency Strategy

Data + Strategy: Using Data to Inform Agency Strategy

Understanding the types of data available, gaining access to the right data, and making sense of data are daunting tasks for most organizations as they develop a strategy to meet mission demands and enterprise-wide goals. Data is especially challenging for the Government, yet provides the opportunity for insight for leaders as they strategically move their agencies forward.

Lost in Translation No Longer: Data Translators Bridge the Gap to the Mission

Lost in Translation No Longer: Data Translators Bridge the Gap to the Mission

Two main types of problems can make it difficult to make data-driven decisions: technical and cultural. Technical difficulties could include data that is messy, incomplete, or split between different departments or components. Cultural factors might include a resistance to change, an environment that favors trusting your instincts, or a belief that things are fine the way they are. 

How to Use Data to Drive Employee Engagement

How to Use Data to Drive Employee Engagement

When it comes to retaining your workforce, one feature correlates to 87% increases in retention and 57% increases in employee effectiveness. It is not compensation. It is employee engagement. Engagement measures an employee’s emotional commitment to an organization and willingness to use discretionary effort to achieve organizational goals. In other words, engaged employees strive to exceed the status quo. 

Data: Lost in Translation No More

Data: Lost in Translation No More

The rise of Big Data technologies and data-driven approaches of business functions has created a demand for data architects and scientists that is growing by as much as 12% annually. These highly technical resources and capabilities address part of the challenge, but organizations still struggle with how to effectively use the data they have to make timely and informed decisions to improve business and mission outcomes.

Move Over Data Warehouses, Here Come Data Lakes

Move Over Data Warehouses, Here Come Data Lakes

The role of data analytics is quickly expanding in the public sector. How the Government will get their arms around the vast amounts of data, however, continues to be a challenge. While data-driven decision making is the future, the Government needs reliable ways to access the data and turn it into information.