In March 2013, a wave of persistent cyberattacks crippled the websites of three major South Korean banks and two of Seoul’s largest broadcasting stations. For hours, people were unable to withdraw money and computers at the television networks were inoperable.
With the investigation of the Boston bombing still underway and largely concealed, it is difficult to access the origin of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s radicalization
Today's Government landscape is becoming more challenging than ever. With year-on-year budget cuts, sequestration, and a greater public focus on monetary waste, it translates to a more cost-conscientious, delivery-focused government client.
I recently went running with a friend on a section of the Marine Corps Marathon course through Arlington, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. As an avid runner and homeland security professional, the tragic events of the Boston Marathon flooded my mind.
Threats to the U.S. borders evolve quickly and government agencies, such as U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), are responsible for safeguarding our borders from all kinds of dangers.
The ongoing ‘digital revolution’ gives rise to the emergence of truly social media, in which the vast majority of information exchanges are conducted by individuals acting in private, rather than institutional, capacities.
Sequestration officially went into effect on March 1st, 2013, affecting people across the nation by making broad budget cuts, eliminating Government jobs and making cuts to mission-critical programs.